
0.4 THz Photonic-Wireless Link With 106 Gb/s Single Channel Bitrate


To accommodate the demand of exponentially increased global wireless data traffic, the prospective data rates for wireless communication in the market place will soon reach 100 Gb/s and beyond. In the lab environment, wireless transmission throughput has been elevated to the level of over 100 Gb/s attributed to the development of photonic-assisted millimeter wave and terahertz (THz) technologies. However, most of recent demonstrations with over 100 Gb/s data rates are based on spatial or frequency division multiplexing techniques, resulting in increased system's complexity and energy consumption. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a single channel 0.4 THz photonic-wireless link achieving a net data rate of beyond 100 Gb/s by using a single pair of THz emitter and receiver, without employing any spatial/frequency division multiplexing techniques. The high throughput up to 106 Gb/s within a single THz channel is enabled by combining spectrally efficient modulation format, ultrabroadband THz transceiver and advanced digital signal processing routine. Besides that, our demonstration from system-wide implementation viewpoint also features high transmission stability, and hence shows its great potential to not only decrease the system's complexity, butalsomeet the requirements of prospective data rates for bandwidth-hungryshort-range wireless applications.


Journal Article, 2018

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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