
A Systematic Method for Chemical and Biochemical Sustainable Process Synthesis, Design and Intensification


In this highly competitive world of chemicals, challenges like ever-increasing energy and utility cost, pressure to increase resource efficiency and new environmental regulations [1] requires systematic process synthesis-design solutions. The objective of systematic process synthesis-design is to identify the processing route, which gives a desired product from a specific set of raw materials including unit operations design, utility needs, waste generation and sustainability parameters. However, to find innovative and more sustainable process design solutions, extension of the current methods is necessary that can be generated by process intensification. Process Intensification (PI) provides a pathway to design new and innovative solutions or retrofit of existing ones leading to economic, sustainable and efficient solutions. Thus, it is logical to integrate process synthesis-design and intensification to generate more innovative, sustainable and efficient chemical and biochemical solutions.


Conference Abstract, 2017

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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