
Åbn undervisningens ‘black boxes’ : Fælles undersøgelses- og designprocesser af teknologibrug i omstillingen til online undervisning.


During 2020-2021, Covid-19 demanded a transition to online teaching in universities. This article explores how a group of students and edu-cators in the course ‘ICT, Interaction, and Organization’ at Aalborg University utilize the experiences from the digital conversion as foundation to innovate education and the established didactic designs in the context of technology. The students redesigned the use of Moodle, aiming at supporting teaching and learning online and on-site in the context of problem-based learning. Throughout their work, par-ticularly two ‘black boxes’ were opened – i.e., processes that are mutu-ally invisible when teaching is conducted as usual. These black boxes included the students’ preparation and the educators’ organization of teaching, respectively. The contribution of this article is to open these black boxes through the use of theory, interviews, and design develop-ment and thus to expose the actors and structures that are not other-wise made explicit in the teaching


Journal Article, 2022

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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