
Active Distribution Grid Management based on Robust AC Optimal Power Flow


Further integration of distributed renewable energy sources in distribution systems requires a paradigm change in grid management by the distribution system operators (DSO). DSOs are currently moving to an operational planning approach based on activating flexibility from distributed energy resources in day/hour-ahead stages. This paper follows the DSO trends by proposing a methodology for active grid management by which robust optimization is applied to accommodate spatial-temporal uncertainty. The proposed method entails the use of a multi-period AC-OPF, ensuring a reliable solution for the DSO. Wind and PV uncertainty is modeled based on spatial-temporal trajectories, while a convex hull technique to define uncertainty sets for the model is used. A case study based on real generation data allows illustration and discussion of the properties of the model. An important conclusion is that the method allows the DSO to increase system reliability in the real-time operation. However, the computational effort grows with increases in system robustness.


Journal Article, 2018

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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