
An artificial pancreas based on simple control algorithms and physiological insight


We present a simple control algorithm for a single-hormone artificial pancreas (AP). The AP consists of a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) measuring the interstitial glucose concentration, a control algorithm computing the insulin to administer, and an insulin pump dosing the insulin. The control algorithm is based on insights into the underlying dynamics of the glucose-insulin dynamics in people with type 1 diabetes. The main components in this control system are 1) an insulin bolus calculator to compensate for carbohydrates in meals, 2) a run-to-run algorithm for adjusting the basal insulin to long-term metabolic variations, and 3) a micro-bolus correction of the basal insulin to compensate for short-term variations in the endogenous insulin production and insulin sensitivity.


Conference Paper, 2019

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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