
Bihormonal model predictive control of blood glucose in people with type 1 diabetes


In this paper we present a bihormonal control system that controls blood glucose in people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). We use insulin together with glucagon to mitigate the negative effects of hyper- and hypoglycemia. The system consists of a Kalman filter, a micro-bolus insulin and glucagon infusion MPC, a mealtime bolus calculator and a CGM providing feedback to the controller. The controller employs a patient data-based prediction model with ARMAX structure. We test the controller using a bihormonal model with time-varying parameters for 3 subjects and compare its performance to a system with an identical insulin MPC, but a glucagon PD controller. The key contribution of the bihormonal MPC is the efficiency of glucagon use. We consider scenarios where the meals are estimated correctly or overestimated and where the insulin sensitivity increases. Both solutions provide tight glucose control. According to the simulations, the bihormonal MPC requires on average 30% less glucagon than the system with a PD controller.


Conference Paper, 2014

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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