Climate Finance: Unlocking Funds Toward Achievement of Climate Targets Under the Paris Agreement
There is an undeniable urgency on the need to finance climate change activities with high greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction impact. The 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global GHG emission pathways confirms that warming greater than the global annual average is already being experienced in many regions (IPCC 2018). Additionally, the 2018 Emission Gap Report by the UN Environment reiterates the unlikeliness of holding global warming below 2 °C if current GHG emission trends prevail. The emission reduction efforts described in current national actions plans submitted by countries under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change would need to be tripled by 2030 to avoid a 2 °C warming scenario and increased fivefold for the 1.5 °C warming threshold (UNEP 2018).