
Comparative environmental and economic assessment of production, use and recycling of aluminium cans: Bologna vs Copenhagen


Circularity strategies need to be assessed both in terms of environmental and economic impacts, by performing full chain analysis, including the perspectives of producers, users and waste management operators. This study considered two different aluminium beverage can systems: Bologna and Copenhagen. We performed a combined Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) analysis of the purchasing, production and wa ste management of beer aluminium cans, with the aim to compare the environmental and economic performances of the two systems and to identify potential misalignment in the integrated LCA -LCC analysis. The comparative analysis of aluminium cans production, use, collection and recycling in the two systems showed that the best option from an environmental point of view is also leading to higher costs and trade - offs need to be considered in the decision making process.


Conference Paper, 2016

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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