
Danes have most unhealthy eating habits on Saturdays and are least active on Sundays


The Danish population has consistently less healthy dietary intake on Fridays and weekends compared to the other weekdays. For instance, Danes have a higher intake of energy, added sugar, alcoholic beverages and discretionary foods, and a lower intake of fruit, vegetables and whole grain products on Fridays and weekends. Saturday is the least healthy day of the week in terms of dietary intake. Danes are also less physically active during weekends, and Sunday is the least active day of the week. On average, people take 2000 fewer steps on Sunday than they do on Monday through Thursday. These results indicate that weekends are especially challenging in terms of healthy eating and physical activity, making weekend days an obvious target for public health campaigns aiming to improve Danes’ eating and activity behaviour.


Journal Article, 2020

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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