
Deliverable 3.1: Potential investment strategies and job creation in European renewable energy systems


This report describes potential scenarios towards renewable energy supply and decarbonisation in Europe. From these pathways the goal is to discuss investment strategies and impacts on job creation. The main pathways included are the following: 1. The European Commission’s “A Clean Planet for All” scenarios. Here, the 1.5 TECH scenario is highlighted, which is the scenario that suggests how Europe can meet the 1.5-degree target by mostly technical solutions. 2. The RE-INVEST A Smart Energy Europe scenario, representing an alternative pathway to the European Commission’s scenarios. 3. A study investigating an early and steady transition path versus a late and rapid transition path for Europe. 4. The analyses are preliminary, and a final Smart Energy Europe will be presented in the final Deliverable 3.3 of the RE-INVEST project


Report, 2022

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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