
Digitalization: enabling the new phase of energy efficiency


1. Digitalization is an emerging trend revamping the energy landscape and enabling progress toward continuous energy efficiency improvements. It is argued that digitalization, from its various dimensions, shall be considered as part of policy development to ensure overall net benefit to the system and its participants.7 2. In its Work Plan for 2020-2021, the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency (the Group of Experts) was therefore mandated to “explore the role of digitalization and increased use of big data and geo-spatial data in provision of energy services”.8 3. This discussion paper is prepared with respect to this activity. It examines the role of digitalization and how it can help improve the efficiency of the overall energy system, and aims to provide a clear, concise and balanced view to policymakers and other stakeholders. It presents some sectoral opportunities along with privacy and security risks and touches upon such aspects as data ownership, hosting, and management issues that have significant potential to optimize the overall energy infrastructure. The paper also briefly highlights the potential impact that digitalization of energy system may have on the economy and society, especially in terms of jobs and skills and why reskilling and upskilling will be critical for a sustainable energy future. 4. The aim of this paper is to call on inclusion of a discussion on exploring the benefits and obstacles of digitalizing the energy system in the scope of future deliberations of the Committee on Sustainable Energy, as well as to propose considering establishment of a dedicated Task Force under the auspices of the Group of Experts, to lead the related activities.


Conference Paper, 2020

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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