
DNA vaccination of small rainbow trout fry against VHSV


Small rainbow trout fry were DNA vaccinated by intramuscular injection at 0.25g and other fish later at 0.5g. Vaccine groups included pcDNA3-vhsG, heterologous vaccine (pcDNA3-ihnG), empty vector (pcDNA3) and unhandled fish. Fry vaccinated at 0.25g were challenged with VHSV by immersion at 3wpv, 11wpv and 21wpv. The challenge at 3wpv was started 1wpv, however as no mortality was observed, the fish were re-challenged 3wpv using a modified setup. Fry vaccinated at 0.5g were challenged with VHSV by immersion at11wpv. By early challenge (3wpv) of fish vaccinated at 0.25g both homologous and heterologous vaccines induced unspecific protection (10 % mortality for both). Challenge 11wpv showed waning unspecific protection (60 % mortality) but also a poor specific protection (30 % mortality). By challenge 21wpv, hardly no specific (75 % mortality) or unspecific (81 % mortality) protection was observed. In contrast, fish vaccinated at 0.5 g and challenged at 11wpv showed good specific protection. The results indicate that DNA vaccination of very small fry (0.25g) can induce an early innate response. However a late adaptive immune response is apparently not established. Vaccination of fry at 0.5g induces an adaptive response like in larger fish. The experiment was repeated with same vaccination groups. Rainbow trout fry were vaccinated at 0.25g followed by challenge with homologous or heterologous virus at 13 dpv, 11 wpv and 21 wpv. At 13 dpv unspecific protection was induced with both homologous and heterologous challenge (5% mortality). At 11 wpv an unspecific protection with 30 % mortality was observed. At 21 wpv protection against VHSV had dropped further (50 % mortality). Protection against IHNV was better (10 % mortality) but equal for both homologous and heterologous vaccines confirming previous results, that vaccination of fry at 0.25g induces unspecific protection but no adaptive response.


Conference Abstract, 2012

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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