
Dual-band fluorosensor for discriminating non-eating from algae-eating zooplankton in aquatic environments


We present a fluorosensor for the detection of laser-induced autofluorescence of zooplankton in marine environments. The sensor uses an inexpensive 410 nm laser diode as excitation source and simultaneously measures two fluorescence bands, 500-550 nm and 675-725 nm, using two identical 16-bit linear array detectors. We show continuous measurements at 200 Hz of zooplankton swimming through a water volume illuminated by the 410 nm laser. The sensor can distinguish salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) larvae from an algae-eating reference species (Acartia tonsa) with a sensitivity of up to 99%. The system successfully differentiates the two species using mixed-species cultures at different ratios. This work shows the potential of fluorescent pest monitoring in the salmon farming industry and paves the way for single-ended aquatic lidars.


Journal Article, 2020

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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