
Efectos a corto plazo de las intrusiones de polvo sahariano en las variables adversas al nacimiento en España


The purpose of this study is to analyze the short-term effects of atmospheric pollutant concentrations and heat/cold waves on adverse outcomes at birth associated with Saharan dust advection. The dependent variables used in this analysis were the total number of births, the number of births showing low birth weight (< 2 500 g) and the number preterm births (< 37 weeks) occurred in Spain (data provided by INE). Days with Saharan dust intrusion were classified in each of the nine regions in Spain and provided by MITECO. A representative city was selected for each region, for which the recorded average daily concentrations of PM10, NO2 and O3 (μg/m3) were used (also provided by MITECO). The daily maximum and daily minimum temperatures (°C) used were those recorded by the meteorological observatory station located in each province’s capital (provided by AEMET). The associated relative risks as well as the attributable risk (AR) for days with and without intrusion of natural particulate matter were measured using Poisson log linear regression models. The results obtained show that the days with Saharan dust intrusion -beyond the impact of PM10, primary pollutants such as NO2, heat waves and O3- are linked to the total number of births, the number of births showing low birth weight and the number of preterm births. The results of this study indicate that pregnant women are at risk during days with high natural particulate matter concentrations due to the advection of Saharan dust put.


Journal Article, 2020

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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