
EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA); Scientific Opinion related to a notification from the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) on casein/caseinate/milk products to be used in the manufacture of wine as clarification processing aids pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC – for permanent exemption from labelling

In the EFSA Journal, 2011


Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion related to a notification from the International Organisation of Vine and Wine on casein/caseinate/milk products to be used in the manufacture of wine as clarification processing aids pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC – for permanent exemption from labelling. In earlier assessments, the Panel concluded that wines fined with casein/caseinate/milk products may trigger adverse reactions in susceptible individuals under the conditions of use stated by the applicants based on the limited information provided on the characterisation of the fining agents, on the limitations of the methods used to quantify casein and other milk allergens in wine, and on the clinical studies presented, which were inconclusive. This application refers to new analytical methods developed for the detection of milk allergens in the fining agent and the detection of casein in wine. There were no changes in the wine manufacturing process and no new clinical studies were provided. Taking into account the information provided on the characterisation of the fining agents regarding their content of milk proteins other than casein, the lack of standardisation of the wine manufacturing process, and that no new clinical data have been provided in the present application, the Panel concludes that wines fined with casein/caseinate/milk products may trigger adverse reactions in susceptible individuals under the proposed conditions of use. © European Food Safety Authority, 2011


Report, 2011

In the EFSA Journal, 2011

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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