
Energy flexible DYnamic building Certification - Decision Support System. E-DYCE deliverable D4.2.


This report outlines two different approaches for setting up a renovation roadmap for an existing building in terms of energy saving measures implemented on the thermal envelope of the building. The two approaches are denoted the expert approach and the analytical approach. The expert approach is like what is found in most European energy certification schemes i.e., an expert evaluates the buildings energy performance and suggests energy upgrading measures based on the inspection, physical conditions of the building, national or regional building tradition and building materials. This results in recommendations for energy upgrading with accompanying energy savings and realistic costs. In the analytical computer power is being used to carry out multiple simulations of different energy upgrading actions within pre-defined limitations for each upgrading action. In this way it is possible to identify the solutions and combination of solutions that result in the optimum key performance indicator(s) (KPI) selected for the task. However, as building energy upgrading costs are not linear it is not possible to use this method to calculate costs related to all the combinations considered in the simulations. This shows that the two methods can supplement each other where the analytical approach can identify the optimal solution(s) for achieving the best KPI, the expert approach can provide realistic cost estimates for the selected solutions.


Report, 2022

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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