
Energy savings in dynamic and resilient optical networks based on traffic-aware strategies


An analysis of the energy savingsis presentedwhen taking into account a complete traffic model for a one-yeartime period. Daily and weekly traffic fluctuations as well asyearly traffic growth are considered whenanalyzing the powerconsumption.Low power mode in optoelectronic devices (sleep-mode and rate adaptive capabilities) is implementedwithin atraffic-aware networking approach.The impact of dedicated 1:1protection in a dynamic network scenarioisconsideredandacomparison is madewith the unprotected case. A GMPLS controlplane is implemented and used to re-configure the power-adaptive devices andconnections. Results show that symbol-rateadaptation provides high savings for unprotected scenarios (37% energy savings w.r.t. unprotected Baseline), while for theprotected scenarios better results are obtained for modulationformat adaptation which includes sleep-mode (57.1% energysavings w.r.t. protected Baseline). Moreover, compared to theBaseline scenarios the Mixed adaptation, combining bothsymbol-rate and modulation format, is the most power-efficientstrategy providing 39% energy savings for unprotected scenarioand 70% energy savings for dedicated protection scenario.


Conference Paper, 2014

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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