
Enhancing Visual Exploration through Augmented Gaze : High Acceptance of Immersive Virtual Biking by Oldest Olds


The diffusion of virtual reality applications dedicated to aging urges us to appraise its acceptance by target populations, especially the oldest olds. We investigated whether immersive virtual biking, and specifically a visuomotor manipulation aimed at improving visual exploration (augmented gaze), was well accepted by elders living in assisted residences. Twenty participants (mean age 89.8 years, five males) performed three 9 min virtual biking sessions pedalling on a cycle ergometer while wearing a Head-Mounted Display which immersed them inside a 360-degree pre-recorded biking video. In the second and third sessions, the relationship between horizontal head rotation and contingent visual shift was experimentally manipulated (augmented gaze), the visual shift being twice (gain = 2.0) or thrice (gain = 3.0) the amount of head rotation. User experience, motion sickness and visual exploration were measured. We found (i) very high user experience ratings, regardless of the gain; (ii) no effect of gain on motion sickness; and (iii) increased visual exploration (slope = +46%) and decreased head rotation (slope = −18%) with augmented gaze. The improvement in visual exploration capacity, coupled with the lack of intolerance signs, suggests that augmented gaze can be a valuable tool to improve the “visual usability” of certain virtual reality applications for elders, including the oldest olds.


Journal Article, 2023

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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