
ERM immersion vaccination and adjuvants


Two candidate adjuvants were tested with a commercial ERM dip vaccine (AquaVac™ Relera, MSD Animal Health) for rainbow trout in an experimental design compatible with common vaccination practices at farm level, i.e. immersion of fish in vaccine (±adjuvant) for 30 s. The adjuvants were the commercial product Montanide™ IMS 1312 VG PR (SEPPIC), and a soluble and ≥98% pure β-glucan from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) (Sigma-Aldrich). Hence, five experimental groups in duplicate were established and exposed to vaccine and adjuvants in the following combinations: AquaVac™ Relera (alone); AquaVac™ Relera + Montanide™; AquaVac™ Relera + β-glucan; Montanide™ (alone); and β-glucan (alone). Approximately 450 degree days post-vaccination, the fish were bath-challenged with live Yersinia ruckeri to produce survival curves. Blood, skin and gills were sampled at selected time points during the course of the experiment to test for plasma Ab levels and lysozyme activity, and the regulation of immune relevant genes and cells in external, mucosal tissues. Preliminary results show 96% to 100% survival of vaccinated fish with and without any of the two adjuvants, whereas unvaccinated controls and fish exposed to β-glucan alone experienced 58% and 60% survival, respectively (calculated at day 24 post-challenge). Montanide™ alone gave rise to an intermediate level of 72% survival. Lysozyme activity levels in plasma were markedly elevated at day 3 and day 24 post-challenge in fish exposed to Montanide™ alone or β-glucan alone compared to fish from any of the three vaccinated groups.


Conference Abstract, 2015

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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