
Evaluation of measurement techniques for modelling buildings in energy simulation and labelling tool


The dwellings built between 1945 and 1980 have the largest energy demand in the EU, which by 2009 represented 70% of the final energy use in buildings. A great portion of these dwellings have not been retrofitted and most of them were not built with any energy efficiency measures, since most of the energy regulations were implemented after the oil crisis in the 1970s. The current renovation rate of residential buildings has not reached targeted goals, due to the numerous barriers that arise in the renovation process. The evaluation and labelling of existing residential buildings represent a big challenge, and the lack of geometric information on buildings is one of the main issues hindering an assessment through simulations. Currently, there is no scientific literature that focuses on improving this task. However, the emergence of new technologies from different fields may streamline the geometric data gathering with the modelling task and greatly improve both accuracy and workload. This study focuses on the revision of geometry measurement techniques, based on the application and quantification of the benefits and barriers that these techniques represent for their use in the building simulation and labelling. The techniques tested were Hololens, handheld laser scanner and handheld laser distance measurer. The evaluation considers time, cost and accuracy as well the tasks related to the post process of the data in BIM, which is not mandatory for building simulation, but it provided multiple benefits.


Conference Paper, 2020

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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