
Expieriences On Low-Temperature District Heating In Lystrup – Denmark


This paper includes main findings made during the Danish governmentally founded project “Development and Demonstration of Low-Energy District Heating for Low-Energy Buildings”, EFP2007, and the Danish governmentally founded project ”CO2-reductions in Low-Energy Buildings and Communities by implementing Low-temperature district heating systems. Demonstration cases in EnergyFlexHouse and Boligforeningen Ringgården” EUDP 2011. A key challenge for optimum and competitive district heating (DH) system operation is reducing heat loss in networks. Today building regulations in most countries demand reduction of heat consumption for individual buildings. This means ratio between net work heat loss and heat consumption in buildings will become even more important in future. To address this challenge low-temperature DH network concept is analysed and tested in real scale. This paper describes main findings in relation to low-temperature DH unit concepts, operational experience with the system, including 41 low-energy apartments and energy losses realised in distribution. This also includes findings in relation to domestic hot water simultaneous factors and users’ comfort.


Conference Paper, 2011

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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