
Finite Horizon MPC for Systems in Innovation Form


System identification and model predictive control have largely developed as two separate disciplines. Nevertheless, the major part of industrial MPC commissioning is generation of data and identification of models. In this contribution we attempt to bridge this gap by contributing some of the missing links. Input-output models (FIR, ARX, ARMAX, Box-Jenkins) as well as subspace models can be represented as state space models in innovation form. These models have correlated process and measurement noise. The correct LQG control law for systems with correlated process and measurement noise is not well known. We provide the correct finite-horizon LQG controller for this system and use this to develop a state space representation of the closed-loop system. This representation is used for closed-loop frequency and covariance analysis. These measures are used in tuning of the unconstrained and constrained MPC. We demonstrate our results on a simulated industrial furnace.


Conference Paper, 2011

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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