
From Traditional to Automated Mobility on Demand: A Comprehensive Framework for Modeling On-Demand Services in SimMobility


Mobility on demand (MoD) systems have recently emerged as a promising paradigm for sustainable personal urban mobility in cities. In the context of multi-agent simulation technology, the state-of-the-art lacks a platform that captures the dynamics between decentralized driver decision-making and the centralized coordinated decision-making. This work aims to fill this gap by introducing a comprehensive framework that models various facets of MoD, namely heterogeneous MoD driver decision-making and coordinated fleet management within SimMobility, an agent- and activity-based demand model integrated with a dynamic multi-modal network assignment model. To facilitate such a study, we propose an event-based modeling framework. Behavioral models were estimated to characterize the decision-making of drivers using a GPS dataset from a major MoD fleet operator in Singapore. The proposed framework was designed to accommodate behaviors of multiple on-demand services such as traditional MoD, Lyft-like services, and automated MoD (AMoD) services which interact with traffic simulators and a multi-modal transportation network. We demonstrate the benefits of the proposed framework through a large-scale case study in Singapore comparing the fully decentralized traditional MoD with the future AMoD services in a realistic simulation setting. We found that AMoD results in a more efficient service even with increased demand. Parking strategies and fleet sizes will also have an effect on user satisfaction and network performance.


Journal Article, 2019

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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