
FutureGas System Analysis Sensitivity Analysis Report


The main purpose of the FutureGas project was to contribute to a green transition through interdisciplinary and coordinated research across the gas sector. The goal was to answer two main research questions:  What could the role of natural gas, renewable gas and the gas infrastructure be in a future climate-neutral Danish energy system?  Which role could gas have in the sustainable energy transition towards a climate neutral energy system? The project included the major stakeholders of the Danish gas industry as well as Danish and international universities (see below). The project was supported by the Danish Innovation Fund. The project analysed the gas chain from supply to regulation: efficient production and use of green gases including potential conditioning to natural gas quality, flexible use of gas also for transport, system integration, as well as the application of measures to ensure an economically efficient use of gas. This report illustrates the sensitivity analyses related to the system analyses. The authors of this report carry individual responsibility for the report. All reports from the project can be found on the homepage Scientific articles can be acquired by mail to the authors.


Report, 2020

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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