
Global Fandom: Thesa Jensen (Denmark) : An interweaving braid of fanfiction, design thinking, and ontological ethics


I am an academic, and was for a long time, before I discovered fandom and with it, fanfiction. It took a while, before I realised how well my research into interactive digital media and design thinking would fit within the realm of fandom communities. From the crossmedia content quadrant, which shows how a tentpole event can give rise to fandom (1); through understanding how the design of platforms used by fans support or restrain different kinds of communities (2); the importance of presence in fandom spaces (3); an analysis of The JohnLock Conspiracy expanding the notion of secular eschatology and analysing the design of Tumblr as part of the problem (4); and using positioning theory to understand the was fans interact with each other through the creation of fanfiction (5). As scattered and disorderly as this may seem, there is one thing, which connects these different themes besides all being part of fandom life. It is the theory of ontological ethics by Knud Ejler Løgstrup, a Danish philosopher who contemplated the ethical basics of everyday life.


Other-Internet Publication, 2022

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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