
Go offshore -Combining food and energy production


European oceans will be subject to massive development of marine infrastructure in the near future. The development includes energy facilities, e.g. offshore wind farms, exploitation of wave energy, and also development and implementation of marine aquaculture This change of infrastructure makes the concept of multi-use offshore platforms particularly interesting. The development of new concepts requires effective marine technology and governance solutions. Simultaneously, both economic costs and environmental impacts have to remain within acceptable limits. These concerns are at the core of the MERMAID project funded under ‘The Ocean of Tomorrow’ call for proposals. At the end of the project, a set of specific guidelines are produced in order to assist future stakeholders within the offshore industries with a view to planning, establishing and operating their businesses in the most optimal way. The multi-disciplinary and cross-sectorial approach of this project is very innovative and the EU benefit lies in the case studies that address four EU-regional seas. MERMAID established close links with the other projects, TROPOS and H2OCEAN, funded under the same ‘The Ocean of Tomorrow’ topic in order to enhance complementarities and synergies.


Report, 2015

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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