
HVAC systems in a field laboratory for indoor climate study


This paper presents the design of a HVAC system for a field lab. The design integrated mixing ventilation, displacement ventilation, low impulse vertical ventilation, personalized ventilation, natural ventilation, hybrid ventilation, active chilled beams, radiant ceiling and floor, and heat convectors. The field lab was designed for experimental research, education and demonstration of ventilation and air-conditioning principals with special focus on studying the impact of different air distribution and heating/cooling methods on human comfort and health. The system can also be used for testing under realistic conditions the performance of air processing units (e.g. a special air handling unit, an air cleaning devices, etc.) including their energy consumption and human response. The field lab can accommodate up to 50 occupants and supply 750 L/s of conditioned outdoor fresh air with the controlled room temperature in the range from 10 to 35 °C and relative humidity in the range from 15 to 80 %. The field lab can be used to test the performance of each system included in the field lab as well as the combined performance of two or more systems.


Conference Paper, 2012

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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