
Impedance Analysis of Voltage Source Converter Using Direct Power Control


The impedance analysis has been proposed and proved to be an effective way to analyze the grid-connected stability of Voltage Source Converter (VSC) based energy conversion systems. Most of the existing impedance analyzes are discussed based on vector oriented control, while there are few discussions about the impedance analysis of Direct Power Control (DPC). In this paper, an impedance modeling approach of VSC using the DPC is firstly proposed and analyzed, which fills the gap of impedance analysis of the DPC based converters and provides a basis for studying the corresponding grid-integration stability problems. Since there is no need for PLL and Park transformation, the impedance matrix is built directly using the α β reference frame and features symmetrical characteristics. The proposed impedance matrix can be transformed into a positive-sequence impedance and analyzed by using SISO Nyquist criteria. The stability of a weak-grid connected VSC using DPC is analyzed in this article. The main factors affecting system stability, including the grid and control parameters, are considered in the analysis. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by the simulations carried out in the Matlab/Simulink Simscape Power Systems as well as a hardware-in-loop system.


Journal Article, 2021

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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