
Implementation and Demonstration of Grid Frequency Support by V2G Enabled Electric Vehicle


Safe operation of the electric power system relies on conventional power stations. In addition to providing electrical energy to the network, some power stations also provide a number of ancillary services for the grid stability. These services could potentially be provided by the growing number of electric vehicles - faster and with better precision, using Vehicle-to-Grid technology. This paper explores the implementation of a system that demonstrates the use of the electric vehicles for providing frequency regulation in the Danish power grid. The system is tested with the use case of Primary Frequency Regulation. The service is implemented following the technical conditions for ancillary services in the Danish grid. The real life system is developed using web-centric communication technologies between the components. Communication and control functions of the system are validated through experiments. The response of the system is studied in terms of latency, precision and stability.


Conference Paper, 2014

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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