
Implementation of Energy Strategies in Communities (Annex 63) Volume 2: Development of strategic measures


This report describes the further development of the analysed measures from Volume 1 into strategic measures. As with the term measure, a strategic measure refers to an essential measure in concept that can be used to develop individual implementation strategies on a local level for part or the whole life cycle of a project (from the first vision to monitoring of the implemented solution). The developed strategic measures deal with the following topics: Setting Vision and Targets Developing Renewable Energy Strategies Making Full use of Legal Frameworks Designing an Urban Competition ProcessesMaking use of Tools Supporting the Decision Making Process Implementing Monitoring of Energy Consumption and GHG Emission practices Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement &amp; Involvement Including Socio Economic Criteria Implementing Effective and Efficient Organisational Processes <p> The report includes both a summary of each strategic measure supported by nine appendices, each a detailed description of each strategic measure.


Report, 2017

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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