
Improved Diurnal Variability Forecast Of Ocean Surface Temperature through Community Model development (DIVOST-COM)


The diurnal variability (DV) of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) driven by the coincident occurrence of moderately low winds and solar heating. - SST retrievals from space: identification of diurnal warming events, occurring at all latitudinal bands in coastal and open ocean conditions [3, 4, 5]. - DV not properly resolved in models impacts estimation of surface heat fluxes [2, 1] and the exchange of CO2 between the ocean and the atmosphere - Most operational atmospheric & oceanic models and products from the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) do not account for DV of SST. - DV of SST complicates merging of SSTs from different satellite sensors thus having a direct impact on efforts to create climate records. - Misrepresentation of the diurnal variability of the upper ocean temperature may result in errors when modelling harmful algal blooms. - DIVOST-COM to develop & integrate a diurnal variability model with the HIROMB-BOOS Model (HBM) Baltic Modelling Forecasting Center (MFC) to improve existing products & services for the Baltic Sea. - 1-dimensional General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) using forcing from the MFC PHY-BIO forecast & SST Thematic Assembly Centre (TAC) products. - Resolve and forecast the vertical temperature structure of the upper ocean with very high resolution. - Recommendations provided could be applicable for all MFCs & TACs. - SEVIRI, Sentinel-3 & L4 SST products used for model validation


Conference Poster, 2019

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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