
Industrial Heat Pumps, Second Phase IEA Heat Pump Technology (HPT) Programme Annex 48 Task 2: Danish Report


This report summarizes the activities of the Danish consortium related to task 2 of Annex 48 about industrial heat pumps. Task 2 derives and summarizes conclusions and recommendations for a successful application, based on available materials developed during the last five years. The work is furthermore supported with a detailed description of best practice examples se-lected from Task 1. In Denmark there are two main drivers behind the implementation of industrial heat pumps (IHP). The first, and perhaps also the most dominant for the time, is the development in the district heating sector. The Danish district heating sector consists of approximately 400 local district heating companies and covers 1.7 million households, which corresponds to a coverage of 64 %. The vision presented by the Danish District Heating Association is to supply 75 % of the households with district heating and to be CO2 neutral by 2030 (Dansk Fjernvarme, 2019). Dis-trict heating is in a Danish context a non-profit utility and is obliged to supply the cheapest pos-sible heat from a socio-economic perspective. The other main driver is related to energy savings and economic benefits in industry. The energy consumption of the Danish industry has for a long time been subject to different political initia-tives. As also concluded from Chapter 5, Country report Task 1 (Benjamin Zühlsdorf et al., 2019a), taxes, tariffs, subsidies and, grants are continuously up for discussion, with an increasing focus on facilitating energy efficiency and electrification, which in turn benefits the implemen-tation of industrial heat pumps. In the following, recommendations, best practice examples and experiences with the implemen-tation of IHP from the perspectives of the DH sector and the industry will be presented.


Report, 2019

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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