
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action: developing a Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA ) process for prioritization of NAMAs


During recent years, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) has become a key element of mitigation negotiations in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process. At present, NAMA is considered as a key tool to be used by de¬veloping countries to structure and promote their potential emission reductions. Most countries are in the process of identifying NAMAs at national level.In order to select the NAMAs to be implemented first, many countries are willing to establish NAMAs prioritized list at national or sectoral level. A prioritization process will also be relevant as next year countries will have to translate their mitigation contribution outlined in their INDCs submitted to UNFCCC into implementation plans. Multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is a tool commonly used for decision making process, including to rank options or to short-list a limited number of options. This tool allows combining some criteria which are valued in monetary terms and others for which market values are not readily available in the economy.It allows the use of a full range of social, environmental, technical, economic, and financial criteria. MCDA is thus an appropriate tool to prioritize NAMAs in the context of national sustainable development, taking into account climate and development priorities. The objective of the publication is to enhance the knowledge of national stakeholders, in particular policy makers and decision makers, to understand the process for developing and applying a framework for NAMA prioritization (referred as NAMA Prioritization Pro¬cess). The publication will address the technical aspects related to the use of the MCDA tool and the institutional arrangements to implement an MCDA process, both in the context of NAMAs prioritization.Philippines is used as case example to illustrate the application of MCDA in a country-specific context.


Report, 2015

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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