
Network Constrained Transactive Control for Electric Vehicles Integration.


Electric vehicles (EVs) are commonly recognized as smart grid assets in addition to their environmental benefits. However, uncoordinated charging or sole cost minimization based charging of electric vehicles may bring undesirable peak demands and voltage violations in the distribution system. This paper applies the transactive control concept to integrate electric vehicles into the power distribution system with the purpose of minimizing the charging cost of electric vehicles as well as preventing grid congestions and voltage violations. A hierarchical EV management system is proposed where three actors are considered: distribution system operator (DSO), fleet operators and EV owners. In the lower level of the hierarchy, the fleet operator centrally manages the charging schedule of electric vehicles; in the upper level of the hierarchy, the DSO uses transactive control technique to coordinate the aggregated charging behavior of fleet operators. Detailed models are presented to illustrate the operation of the hierarchical EV management system. In the end, simulations are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed solutions.


Conference Paper, 2015

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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