
New Methodology of Studying H2S Poisoning Effects on SOFC’s Fueled by Carbon Containing Fuels like Biogas


Solid oxide fuel cells are an option to convert carbon containing fuels like natural gas or biogas into electricity with high efficiency. Natural gas consists mainly of CH4 and is based on fossil fuels nowadays but can be based on renewable sources in the future. Biogas is a renewable source and consists of 40%-70% CH4 and 30%-60% CO2. One advantage of the SOFC is that direct internal reforming of these fuels is possible. Impurities like sulfur components, which are present in both fuels, can have negative effects on the internal reforming of the fuel in the SOFC and the electrochemical reaction. These effects have been widely investigated. The current study presents a new, time efficient approach to investigate sulfur poisoning. It is possible to predict the effect of H2S expressed as the well-known voltage drop occurring due to sulfur exposure via the evaluation of iV-curves taken with and without sulfur.


Conference Paper, 2019

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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