
Offshore Wind Power Production in Critical Weather Conditions


Critical weather conditions, i.e. extreme winds will raise a lot of challenges when it comes to the secure operation of the whole European electric system with the future large scale offshore wind power. This is especially true for Denmark where the target is that wind power should provide 50% of the electricity consumption by 2020. In the EU funded project TWENTIES, the demonstration #4 STORM MANAGEMENT aims at demonstrating that adequate coordination mechanisms between offshore wind farms and hydro power capacity available in Norway through an existing HVDC link brings viable solutions to securely control the power balance during offshore storm passages. The demonstration will be done on Horns Rev 2 wind farm. In the same project, the impact of a storm front passage over the system security, for the whole Danish system, and with the expected offshore wind power in 2020 will be investigated. This paper will present the results of up-scaling the impact that a storm front passage will have on the Danish power system in 2020, given that the existing wind turbine storm controller is not replaced. The simulations are done with CorWind and the analysis is focusing on establishing a reference case and quantifying the balancing reserve requirements needed in order to keep the security of the power system.


Conference Paper, 2012

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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