
Persistent Organochlorine Compounds Levels in Selected Fish Species from Lake Victoria and Associated Human Health Risks


Nile perch (L. niloticus ) and Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) are the major commercial fish species in Lake Victoria region of Tanzania. This study was conducted to assess the levels of persistent organochlorine compounds, namely PCBs and OCPs in these two fish species and the probable human health risks associated with the consumption of these two fish species from Lake Victoria. Fish samples were collected between May and August 2016 and the necessary anthropometric measurements such as length and weight were taken. The extraction was done using a modified QuEChERS method and the identification and quantification of the chemicals were done using GC/ECDs. The results of this study revealed that fish species sampled were undersize, which was an indication of overfishing and abuse of bylaws. Among the 19 OCPs which were considered, only four (β- HCH, HCB, Aldrin and Dieldrin) were detected at measurable quantities. β- HCH ranged from


Journal Article, 2019

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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