
Review on methodology for LCIA of marine eutrophication


As part of the ongoing EU FP7 project LC-Impact ( new life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods are going to be developed and tested on industry cases. Among the life cycle assessment (LCA) impact categories in focus are aquatic eutrophication. As related to especially the marine environment very few and restricted attempts have yet been done on trying to include eutrophication in LCA. The aim of LC-Impact is to develop both a global and a spatial (and temporal) differentiated model, as both central fate processes, sensitivities of receiving environments (e.g. differences in limiting nutrient and variations in this over the year) and the resulting damage can show important spatial variations. Both midpoint and endpoint (damage) modelling are included and the aim is to base the damage modelling on dose-response curves expressing the correlation between the (increase in) nutrient concentration and the potentially affected fraction of species in the marine ecosystem. This poster will present a review of the very limited existing attempts on how to include marine eutrophication in LCA and discuss alternative methodologies on how to model the environmental mechanism of this impact category.


Conference Poster, 2011

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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