
Single-Shot-RARE for rapid 3D hyperpolarized metabolic ex vivo tissue imaging: RF-pulse design for semi-dense spectra


MRS of hyperpolarized (HP) 13C-enriched compounds is a promising method for in vivo cancer diagnosis . Sentinel lymph node ex vivo tissue sample histology used in clinical routine for breast cancer metastasis diagnosis requires time consuming sample analysis. 3D-HP-MRSI can potentially speed up the diagnosis given a sensitive marker that can be efficiently imaged in tissue after homogenous injection. The entire sample can be confined within the imaged volume giving the possibility of complete spatial non-selectivity of the radio frequency (RF) pulses in the RF pulse design with no chemical shift localization errors. Since only a few product signals are of interest for this application, a combination of under-sampled temporal encoding, frequency selective excitation and the Single-Shot-RAREsequence offers favourable SNR characteristics. Small peak separations are challenging, however, since they require narrow excitation transition-bands. We have designed a 3D-MRSI pulse sequence for hyperpolarized ex vivo sample imaging for semi-dense compound spectra (few components, relatively small separations), ultimately aimed to be used for metastasis detection in excised lymph nodes.


Conference Poster, 2016

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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