
Spatial Modelling of Blue Mussel Farm Production Potential in the Western Baltic Sea


Eutrophication of coastal water bodies by massive anthropogenic nutrient inputs is a serious global challenge. Suspended mitigation cultures of blue mussels have been suggested as a tool to remove nutrients through harvesting from eutrophic systems like the Western Baltic Sea (Petersen et al. 2014). The general idea of mitigation mussel farming is that the mussels remove nutrients contained in particles (mainly phytoplankton) directly from the water through their feeding activity and incorporate them into animal tissue during growth. Site-selection for marine mitigation aquaculture can be an important part of sustainable marine spatial planning considering both farm production, as well as environmental and socio-economic goals and interests. In the present study, mussel farm production potential was estimated for the Western Baltic Sea, which can provide input to a multi-criteria site selection tool in relation to marine spatial planning.


Conference Abstract, 2019

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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