
Temperature as a predictor of fouling and diarrhea in Slaughter pigs


The PigIT Project aims at improving welfare and production of slaughter pigs by integration of various sensor systems for alarm purposes. Here we present an exploratory analysis to assess the predictive value of temperature sensor data with respect to pen fouling and diarrhea. We recorded the temperature at four locations in two double-pens (by the drinking nipples and by the corridor) between November 2013 and December 2014. Logistic regression models were made to express the probability of fouling and diarrhea per day, and were reduced via backwards elimination. Furthermore, fitting the models was attempted with the raw temperature data as well as data averaged over 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes. The predictive performances were evaluated with Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC). For diarrhea, the minimal and maximal temperatures at the water nipple and the corridor, as well as the maximal rate of temperature decrease, were found to be either significant or borderline significant. The same factors, with the addition of maximum rate in temperature increase, were found to be significant or borderline significant predictors for pen fouling. Both conditions were consistently detected at better than randomly (MCC between 0.422 and 0.557 for diarrhea, and between 0.386 and 0.560 for fouling). Thus, temperature information seems to contain predictive value in relation to fouling and diarrhea, but not enough to stand alone. It would thus be meaningful to combine this information with other available data to achieve an optimal predictive power.


Conference Abstract, 2015

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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