
The Hybrid Power Grid of Cape Verde : A Reference System for the Renewable Transition


New technologies and methods are tested in different benchmarks and reference systems as a common practice in both academia and industry. However, researchers and engineers find extremely difficult to find decent reference models that manage to capture the particularities of modern and near-future power systems. That is, networks with a relative large rate of power electronic-interfaced devices, low inertia, high shares of volatile generation, etc. This work aims to present a novel Reference Benchmark System based on the real grid of Cape Verde; a small African country. The dataset, Openly Accessible in an online repository, is conveniently divided in different files covering an almost unlimited number of classic and state-of-the-art analysis such as: power flow, stability, reliability, resiliency, etc. All the data was provided by Electra and Cabeolica, respectively, ´ the local System Operator and largest renewable utility of the country. The dataset has two main purposes: to serve as a common validation environment for diverse proposals, and to mind the research gap between microgrids and continental power systems as its capacity ranges from dozens to hundreds of MW. As an example, we present a relatively simple study of the grid’s strength in DigSilent Power Factory. Three different metrics are used, Short-Circuit Capacity, X/R and voltage sensitivity. Such analysis can be used, for instance, to identify the best location for an energy storage system aiming to provide voltage control.


Conference Paper, 2021

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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