
Toward a European exposure science strategy


In Europe, exposure science is closely related to various regulations. However, recent scientific advances face difficulties in finding their way into regulatory common practices. This is a major driver for the European Chapter of the International Society of Exposure Science (ISES Europe) to initiate developing an urgently needed «European Exposure Science Strategy» by soliciting exposure scientists from all relevant stakeholder communities. In building this European strategy for exposure science, we will focus on the following set of six overarching objectives: (i) To build a European Programme and related infrastructure to generate, assess, exchange, and communicate experimental and model-based exposure information; (ii) To advance exposure science with focus on closing existing knowledge gaps, building science-based and operational data and methods, fostering integration and interaction of disciplines involved in exposure science; (iii) To provide guidance and recommendations for exposure assessment in science and policy; (iv) To foster the inclusion of realistic exposure information in various regulatory and non-regulatory assessment and management frameworks and related decision-making processes; (v) To strengthen the impact of exposure science on human health and environmental policies; and (vi) To support trans-agency and trans-institutional coordination, education, and engaging a broader European stakeholder community including triggering. These objectives will be addressed through establishing dedicated working groups from the wider European exposure science community to foster a focused and consolidated effort that will ultimately provide guidance for improving and increasing the use of exposure science in in European regulation and practice. Initial focus will be on objectives with highest priority and capacity within the related stakeholder community.


Conference Abstract, 2019

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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