
Towards a Joint Action Plan for Research and Development in the Offshore Wind Service Industry


This paper presents a joint action plan (JAP) for research and development and innovation (RDI) in the offshore wind service industry in Denmark, Germany, Norway and the UK. Offshore wind servicing (OWS) is in this context defined as both assembly and installation of offshore wind farms as well as their operation and maintenance during their lifetime. Earlier studies have indicated that over the life cycle of an offshore farm the cost of OWS can be up to 46% of the life cycle cost of the farm including up-front investment and installation. Furthermore, the North Sea is currently the most important site for offshore wind installations, and industry clusters based on OWS are emerging in regions around the North Sea. The JAP builds on a mapping (based on desk studies, patent analyses, and bibliometrics) of each of participating region’s existing capabilities, and on an overall strategic orientation and options for a innovation. The JAP is built on this foundation together with stakeholders from the four regions, comprising representatives from R&D and education, policy makers and offshore wind industry. Following the workshop, the ECOWindS consortium has been developing the proposed action plan further based on consultations with the stakeholders of the industry.


Conference Paper, 2015

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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