
Wind Turbines on CO2 Neutral Luminaries in Urban Areas


In the present work, an overview of three different wind turbines used in hybrid luminaries is presented. The turbines are: vertical-axis twisted Savonius, three-blade horizontal-axis, and vertical-axis three-blade helical H-rotor. The considered luminaries are also equipped with photovoltaic panels and batteries, detailed investigation of which is outside the scope of the present manuscript. Analysis of the turbines’ performance based on producer-supplied power curves is presented together with an estimation of the wind climate in Copenhagen district comprising 1-2 story single family buildings. A new vertical-axis twisted Savonius rotor is proposed for a luminary being designed for such a district within the “Development of CO2 neutral urban luminary” project.


Conference Paper, 2013

UN SDG Classification
DK Main Research Area


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