Silicon protected with atomic layer deposited TiO2 : Durability studies of photocathodic H2 evolution Research, Nora
Providing better thermal and air quality conditions in school classrooms would be cost-effective Research, Nora
Business models for full service energy renovation of single-family houses in Nordic countries Research, Nora
Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Protects Human Islets against Cytokine-Mediated β-Cell Dysfunction and Death: A Proteomic Study of the Pathways Involved Research, Nora
An arctic low-energy house as experimental setup for studies of heat dynamics of buildings Research, Nora
Iodine isotopes species fingerprinting environmental conditions in surface water along the northeastern Atlantic Ocean Research, Nora
Guidebook for the Development of a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action on Efficient Lighting Research, Nora
Definition of Smart Energy City and State of the art of 6 Transform cities using Key Performance Indicators : Deliverable 1.2 Research, Nora
A modelling breakthrough for market design analysis to test massive intermittent generation integration in markets results of selected OPTIMATE studies Research, Nora