Partially dynamic life cycle assessment of windows indicates potential thermal over-optimization : Paper Research, Nora
Quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) predict adverse male reproductive health disorders caused by pesticides Research, Nora
Optimal planning of Transfer Instracture in a Multimodal Transport Network: Bi-level Modeling and Paradoxes Research, Nora
Imaging of glucose metabolism by 13C-MRI distinguishes pancreatic cancer subtypes in mice Research, Nora
Monitoring the carbon footprint of dry bulk shipping in the EU: An early assessment of the MRV regulation Research, Nora
Erosive Response of Non-Glaciated Pyrenean Headwater Catchments to the Last Major Climate Transition and Establishing Interglacial Conditions Research, Nora
Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Complex Energy System with Large-Scale Wind Power Research, Nora
Marine Proteobacteria as a source of natural products: advances in molecular tools and strategies Research, Nora
Distinct gut metagenomics and metaproteomics signatures in prediabetics and treatment-naïve type 2 diabetics Research, Nora
Leaky Optoelectrical Fiber for Optogenetic Stimulation and Electrochemical Detection of Dopamine Exocytosis from Human Dopaminergic Neurons Research, Nora
High levels of MMP-cleaved mimecan is associated to carotid plaque stability and less future cardiovascular events Research, Nora
Exploring data flows and system links in real-time urban drainage modelling in the wake of digitalisation Research, Nora
Nonlinear fractional order derivative models of components and materials in hearing aids and transducers Research, Nora
Optimization of the electricity and heating sectors development in the North Sea region towards 2050 Research, Nora