Numerical modelling and experimental measurements for a low-temperature district heating substation for instantaneous preparation of DHW with respect to service pipes Research, Nora
Obesity is associated with high serotonin 4 receptor availability in the brain reward circuitry Research, Nora
Reconstructing the population dynamics of sprat (Sprattus sprattus balticus) in the Baltic Sea in the 20th century Research, Nora
Previous bacterial infection affects textural quality parameters of heat-treated fillets from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Research, Nora
Fucose-containing sulfated polysaccharides from brown seaweed: Extraction technolgy and bioactivity assessment Research, Nora
Telomeric Allelic Imbalance Indicates Defective DNA Repair and Sensitivity to DNA-Damaging Agents Research, Nora
Manufacture and demonstration of organic photovoltaic-powered electrochromic displays using roll coating methods and printable electrolytes Research, Nora
Laboratory examinations of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in Denmark during 2016 Research, Nora
30 years of data reveal dramatic increase in abundance of brown trout following the removal of a small hydrodam Research, Nora
Dual Amylin and Calcitonin Receptor Agonists: A Novel Treatment for Obesity and Related Co-Morbidities Research, Nora
Roof windows in low-energy buildings - Analyses of demands and possibilities for future product development Research, Nora
The impact of reduction of doublet well spacing on the Net Present Value and the life time of fluvial Hot Sedimentary Aquifer doublets Research, Nora
Low antigen dose formulated in CAF09 adjuvant Favours a cytotoxic T-cell response following intraperitoneal immunization in Göttingen minipigs Research, Nora
A serum biomarker reflecting collagen type I degradation (C1M) is an independent risk factor for acute myocardial infarction in postmenopausal women: results from the PERF study Research, Nora
Modelling risk of tick exposure in southern Scandinavia using machine learning techniques, satellite imagery, and human population density maps Research, Nora
Transfer and persistence of a multi-drug resistance plasmid in situ of the infant gut microbiota in the absence of antibiotic treatment Research, Nora