High-Resolution Regulatory Maps Connect Vascular Risk Variants to Disease-Related Pathways Research, Nora
Heavy metal exposure causes changes in the metabolic health-associated gut microbiome and metabolites Research, Nora
Effect of environmental parameters on culturability and viability of dust accumulated fungi in different HVAC segments Research, Nora
Integration of Sustainability Approaches in Companies: an Exploration of Narratives and Internal Organizational Functioning Research, Nora
Classifying grey seal behaviour in relation to environmental variability and commercial fishing activity - a multivariate hidden Markov model Research, Nora
Atmospheric pressure plasmas for polymer surface modification: Alternating current gliding arcs and ultrasound enhanced plasmas Research, Nora
Life cycle assessment of point source emissions and infrastructure impacts of four types of urban stormwater systems Research, Nora
Minute-Scale Forecasting of Wind PowerResults from the Collaborative Workshop of IEA Wind Task 32 and 36 Research, Nora
Assessment of a combination of three heat sources for heat pumps to supply district heating Research, Nora
Modelling framework for integration of large-scale heat pumps in district heating using low-temperature heat sources: A case study of Tallinn, Estonia Research, Nora
A massively scalable distributed multigrid framework for nonlinear marine hydrodynamics Research, Nora
Discovery of key whole-brain transitions and dynamics during human wakefulness and non-REM sleep Research, Nora
How does 6 months of active bike commuting or leisure-time exercise affect insulin sensitivity, cardiorespiratory fitness and intra-abdominal fat? A randomised controlled trial in individuals with overweight and obesity Research, Nora