Extreme temperature impairs growth and productivity in a common tropical marine copepod Research, Nora
Effect of a quality-improving codend on size selectivity and catch patterns of cod in bottom trawl fishery Research, Nora
The Use of a DNA-Intercalating Dye for Quantitative Detection of Viable Arcobacter spp. Cells (v-qPCR) in Shellfish Research, Nora
UN Environment Global Chemicals Outlook II - From Legacies to Innovative Solutions: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Research, Nora
Sustainability labelling as a tool for reporting the sustainable development impacts of climate actions relevant to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement Research, Nora
Integrating the scale of population processes into fisheries management, as illustrated in the sandeel, Ammodytes marinus Research, Nora
Incentive-Compatibility in a Two-Stage Stochastic Electricity Market with High Wind Power Penetration Research, Nora
Dynamic Data Injection Attack Detection of Cyber-Physical Power Systems with Uncertainties Research, Nora
Electricity production and consumption data from Danish power grid and governmental office buildings Research, Nora
Initiatives to integrate operational knowledge in design: a building client perspective Research, Nora
Battery storage systems: An economic model-based analysis of parallel revenue streams and general implications for industry Research, Nora
Characterisation and environmental assessment of recyclable waste from recycling centres Research, Nora
Elucidating the electron flow in microbial electrochemical technology for broadening the application Research, Nora